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We are looking for underwriters to help us cover the expenses of this event. It is our goal to enable all the money raised night of to go directly to The Lone Star Paralysis Foundation (LSPF) and be used to help those with spinal cord injuries. Pay It Forward with Daniel Curtis is a unique opportunity to allow Daniel to help others and pay it forward to those in the same circumstances.

$10,000 | Presenting Stage Sponsor

  • Evening with acclaimed musicians Sponsored by You

  • Listed in Press Release, Event Signage and Social Media mention

  • Logo on Auction Bidder Paddle, Website and in Presentation during event

  • 24 VIP Tickets to Event

  • 2 hotel rooms Night of the Event

  • $200 gift card to The Carillon Restaurant

$5,000 | Auction Sponsor

  • Logo on Event Signage and Social Media mention

  • Logo on Auction Tables, Bidder Paddles, Website and in Presentation during event

  • 12 VIP Tickets to Event

  • 2 hotel rooms Night of the Event

$2,500 | Registration Sponsor

  • Logo on Registration Table, Website and in Presentation during event

  • 12 VIP Tickets to event

  • 1 hotel room Night of the Event

$1,000 | Raffle Prize Sponsor

  • Logo on Raffle Signage, Website and in Presentation during event

  • 6 VIP Tickets to event 

$500 | Contributing Sponsor

  • Logo on Website and in Presentation during event

  • 2 VIP Tickets to event

Please make your selection and mail a check payable to: Lone Star Paralysis Foundation, Daniel Curtis | 3315 Western Dr | Austin, TX 78745

All underwriting donations will be made to The Lone Star Paralysis Foundation a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation, Tax ID # 74-2931329.


We have lots of volunteer opportunities for you to get involved with a great organization. Some opportunities include volunteering at our fundraising events, with our adaptive sports program, at our gym and in our office. You can volunteer as an individual or as a group. If you are interested, please e-mail our Director of Special Events Caitlyn Voelker at to learn more.

We look forward to meeting you!